Sobriety coaching, sober companion, sober coach, or recovery coach are all titles that represent the same job in the field of addiction. At Recovering Reality we provide one-on-one assistance to newly recovering individuals.
Our goal is always to help the client maintain complete abstinence, or harm reduction from any addiction. We help our clients establish healthy daily habits and routines at home, or after finishing a program at a residential treatment center. Regulations usually do not exist for sobriety coaching.
Sobriety coaching can sometimes be a part of a complete medical or clinical team of professional(s), is often certified as a mental health professional, and always has vast experience in the field and can confidently work with clients on their own.
Searching for sobriety coaching when working with a client, their loved ones, or friends are established immediately. These could include a psychotherapeutic approach, 12-step or non-12 step strategy, other outside support groups, help establishing nutrition and fitness on a daily basis, medication therapy from a trusted professional, or even holistic clinics.
The principal duty of our sobriety coaching training is to ensure the recovering individual does not relapse, and learns how to live in healthy, sustainable and long-term recovery. They may be hired to provide on-call care, or to accompany the recovering addict during certain activities.
Sobriety coaching acts as an advocate for the newly recovering person and provides new approaches for its client to live free from addiction in their very own living environment. Sobriety coaching either helps the addict out of the problematic environment of concealed stashes, or may search for hidden stashes in that environment, these efforts are to help prevent a relapse.
An engagement with sobriety coaching usually lasts 30 days, or longer depending on the level of care needed. The time needed to effect a meaningful change varies depending upon the client, co-occurring disorders, and living environment.
Ethically, our sobriety coaching presence in our client's lifetime will vary depending on our client’s ability to connect to new healthy behaviors with home life, work, and/or legal issues.
Some sobriety coaching employees work with their clients for many months or even years, and some offer only transportation services (for instance, to and from treatment facilities or sober living homes). The duties of sobriety coaching vary depending on the level of need, from simply helping the client remain alcohol and drug free while with them, to helping establish and set up a specific plan of recovery resources and relationships in their home and community.
Many sobriety coaching workers are ex-addicts or alcoholics themselves and therefore are often hired in circumstances where a celebrity or musician cannot currently attend residential treatment, but needs to remain sober to complete a movie or recording project. They are also portrayed by some media outlets as "mature baby-sitters". Doctors may also refer to sobriety coaching as an "advocate" for musicians, along with other celebrities.
There are varying opinions among how sobriety coaching approaches the use of prescription drugs to minimize withdrawal, cravings or side effects of long-term narcotic and alcohol use. Sobriety coaching is sometimes used like a substitute for residential addiction treatment along with other forms of drug rehabilitation.
Dr. Ronald J. Hunsicker, ‘FACATA, National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers' president and chief executive officer, brought up an alternative viewpoint in mental health and addiction treatment programs. It has been recommended that a combined technique is effective, specially for men and women at elevated risk of relapse. Hunsicker's address on "The Challenges for Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Addiction Treatment" suggested that sobriety coaching is able to help a patient properly transition from some heavily structured, secure environment into the world by which they failed to remain sober.
Our passion at Recovering Reality is to assist our clients into living a healthy and active lifestyle of recovery. We're a team of professionals that will match the right sobriety coaching with your personal needs relating to:
Sober Transportation
Sober Companionship
Nutrition Coaching
Health Coaching
Life Coaching
Relapse Prevention Specialists
We provide the sobriety coaching services you need to successfully achieve long-term sobriety. Our team is dedicated to helping you become the best version of yourself. Call us today for a consultation.
Sobriety coaching is an experience and expertise based service for people in recovery from alcohol, addictive drugs, codependency, or other addictive behaviors. A great sobriety coaching will work with people with active addictions in addition to people already in recovery. Our sobriety coaching program provides part-time support for those entering recovery that are looking for help navigating early recovery.
Sobriety coaching spends time helping clients navigate potentially challenging events like:
Going to work
Attending business meetings
Special events
Family gatherings
Providing encouragement
Providing wisdom
Providing responsibility and understanding through their own training and personal experiences in recovery
For several years, addiction treatment programs alongside support groups have functioned as the bedrock for a healthy and sustainable recovery. As wonderful as these programs can be, they are not always able to provide support in real-time. To fill in the gaps, sobriety coaching can be a wonderful asset to an individual's recovery process.
Sobriety coaching is someone who is certified and trained in addiction recovery, and also inspires people to live in a healthy and sober way of life. They show their clients how to navigate the barriers and challenges in recovery so that individuals are more likely to keep on course with their goals and prevent relapses.
If you are just starting your journey for recovery, sobriety coaching could be a great addition to your individual recovery. In this section, we will elaborate more on what sobriety coaching does at Recovering Reality, how we can help you and your family and where you can work with one of our experienced professionals.
Sobriety coaching is similar to other typical coaches; a Recovering Reality sobriety coaching provides guidance and support while you begin your journey to recovery, and for as long as you desire the support. You'll generally begin working with sobriety coaching of ours once you have completed a drug and alcohol treatment program. The weeks and months that follow treatment are typically the most challenging; because you're still learning how to live your new life while managing triggers and temptations.
The idea behind sobriety coaching is straightforward. This individual bridges the difference between your treatment program and your support groups. Treatment programs come to an end, and 12-step groups are not always available. The times in between are often when the most attention is needed, especially in early recovery.
Below are some of the ways that sobriety coaching can help in your recovery:
Learning the importance of eating a healthy diet
Regular exercise
Learning to rest and maintain a favorable attitude, self-care is critical
Create a healthy lifestyle. It is easier to make smart decisions when you are aware of how to live a healthy lifestyle, our sobriety coaching will help you construct a sustainable and happy life.
Goal setting, short and long-term goals. It might have been a while since you last set goals for yourself. Setting goals enhances your vision for the future and brings hope and reasons to celebrate.
Our sobriety coaching will help you identify the special challenges in your life and the best approach to dealing with them. If these challenges are left untreated, it could be problematic for your recovery.
Our sobriety coaching will also help you develop problem solving techniques. When you face challenges in your recovery and life, how do you plan on solving these? Your sobriety coaching will teach you healthy, sustainable and effective ways to deal with these stressors.
Building relationships can be hard for those in early recovery. Your sobriety coaching will help and show you how to invest time and energy in developing the confidence to build a healthy relationship. Developing healthy relational connections with others is an important part of the healing process.
Sobriety coaching is an extremely helpful addition for the family unit, as well. Oftentimes the individual and the family are unaware of the commitment recovery requires of both the addict and the family members. Addiction is a process and it is not something that goes away after a short stay in treatment. Recovery from addiction is an ongoing process that requires consistency, patience and smart decisions.
Here are some of the ways that our sobriety coaching can help the family unit:
Showing families great resources
Helping the process of reestablishing family ties
Assisting families in navigating the medical system
Identifying potentially detrimental behaviors like enabling and Co-dependency
Encouraging positive, and open ended communication
Educating people on the reality of addiction and recovery
The good news is that the sobriety coaching industry has expanded tremendously in recent years. It is steadily becoming easier to find sobriety coaching in your area. Some things to be aware of are that qualifications differ from state to state; therefore it is crucial to do your homework and find sobriety coaching that is truly qualified.
At Recovering Reality we provide sobriety coaching service to people across the nation. We serve clients via telehealth and online resources and we are open for everyone. We aim to always provide excellent support and guidance while helping you work to maintain your sobriety.
One of the biggest benefits of our sobriety coaching program is that we provide support in real time. Should you be feeling emotionally triggered, then we are here for you. We will work to help you implement healthy recovery strategies that will only get stronger and more developed over time. When strengthened and developed over time, if you feel triggered, you'll have numerous strategies to turn to.
Some of the services we offer (aside from real-time assistance can be):
Daily check-ins (Day-to-day connection and coaching on recovery)
Goal setting and journals
Moving into decreased levels of care
Family coaching services (Exploration of local community resources)
Tele-monitoring services
Guidance on getting into the right support groups
Accountability and support for complete abstinence from substances
Establish healthy habits
Assist the client in building tailor-made recovery strategies
Recovering Reality provides sobriety coaching services throughout the world through HIPAA compliant online telehealth technology
The good news is that you won’t need to disrupt your entire life to take advantage of our sobriety coaching services. Contact Recovering Reality today to find out more about our sobriety coaching program services, and how we can help you and your family transition in a healthy way from addiction treatment into a lifestyle of living sober.
A good sobriety coaching is often in recovery themselves; therefore, a good sobriety coaching understands what it takes to live in real sobriety. They will help you learn what appropriate places you can frequent; how to set healthy boundaries; help you determine realistic goals; show you how to manage your time; participate in sober activities; and teach you how to identify the root causes of unhealthy thinking and behaviors.
You can connect with your sobriety coaching daily, or weekly. Our sobriety coaching program is offered via:
Zoom (Online)
If local through sobriety coaching companionship
Face-to-face meetings
The healing journey can be challenging. We will help you un-complicate it by helping you navigate the recovery process. Our mission is to entirely guide you in the right directions.
Here is a common question we receive: What is the difference between a sober companion and sobriety coaching?
The quick answer is that sober companions, also called recovery companions are no different from sobriety coaching. Sobriety coaching is trained to help individuals be productive, healthy and optimistic members of the society while maintaining their sobriety. They can provide a "safe landing" after a treatment program has been completed and the accountability needed to walk out and retain what was learned in the treatment center.
Confident and aware in their own recovery; sobriety coaching provides the needed help in challenging times, whether it be early recovery or during the regular events of life that could trigger a relapse.
It is possible for our sobriety coaching service to be onsite with our clients 24/7 for around-the-clock recovery assistance, whether the situation is a transition from a treatment program, business traveling or simply the demand for additional aid. In addition to that, we maintain open lines of communication with the whole support team to ensure the best level of care.
Sobriety coaching, also called sobriety coaching, offer experienced assistance in early stages of recovery and are meant for people who usually do not require around the clock companionship. One-on-one, sobriety coaching works with individuals until they are able to achieve a healthy lifestyle that is fulfilling and completely free from addiction with a tailor made and collaborative recovery care plan that can be accomplished by phone, online or onsite. The frequency of sessions will be different depending on what the individual desires.
Specifically, sobriety coaching helps identify and address difficulties in the early stages of recovery and also helps individuals to establish short and long-term recovery goals to support sustainable recovery. They are doing this through a combination of coaching, educating, relationship building and problem solving techniques in addition to identifying resources and tasks that encourage the client into healthy recovery.
Sobriety coaching certainly has different roles, especially in the amount of time they are spending with the client. But they do offer experienced and professional support, as well as education in life skills, coping with complicated situations and strategic approaches towards relapse presentation; which are all essential to long-term victory in recovery. For further information on our sobriety coaching services, call us or email, info@recoveringreality.com now!
With the new rise in addiction treatment appearing regularly in media outlets such as newspapers, TV, and magazines; lots of people are still curious as to what sobriety coaching is, and is hiring one a valuable investment? For years now, addiction treatment programs and support groups have functioned as the foundation of the recovery community. But a great sobriety coaching has become a much needed new addition.
The primary goal of sobriety coaching is to help keep you sober as you start out on your recovery journey after attending drug rehab or an intensive outpatient treatment program for those struggling with addiction. But is sobriety coaching worth the cost?
The idea behind sobriety coaching is pretty straight forward: the role of sobriety coaching is to act as a bridge between formal treatment programs and the informal support groups during recovery. Whilst drug and alcohol abuse and rehab programs have already proven to be extremely effective in equipping those people struggling with substance abuse disorders in their journey of recovery. These programs consistently come to an end, whereas working with sobriety coaching does not have to.
How much does sobriety coaching cost?
That depends on two main things:
1.) How much time they spend with you personally
2.) What their level of experience is
Sobriety coaching can sometimes bill around $1,000 a day; however it depends on the level of care needed. The cost of addiction rehab can be a lot for most people, seeing how the expenses of a treatment program can rise quickly depending on the needs of the person; although drug and alcohol rehab is often a much needed first step in a person’s recovery journey. Sobriety coaching can be a valuable investment as the individual leaves treatment and starts their journey of freedom and recovery.
We truly believe that hiring sobriety coaching from Recovering Reality is well worth the cost! In the event that you have recently started your recovery after successfully completing a treatment program…give us a call today to maintain all of the hard work you have already been putting in!
Contrary to 12-step sponsors and those in peer service groups who do not charge a fee for the services they provide, sobriety coaching is charging for their experience and skill set. Because this service has yet to be empirically validated, we are uncertain if insurance companies will ever cover the price of sobriety coaching.
The cost of sobriety coaching services vary, depending on the level of expertise, experience, services, and location. The price of sobriety coaching is far less than the price of a treatment program. The financial commitment for treatment for substance use disorder can be pricey, this can even be true for the individuals that have good insurance coverage. The expense of sobriety coaching is an added investment to ensure more qualified assistance for the client’s recovery journey.
Your decision to work with sobriety coaching is purely personal. What if the benefits outweigh the expense, and increase the client’s success in sobriety? If you believe this is true, sobriety coaching is worth every penny.
Here are some helpful questions to ask yourself in the process of looking for sobriety coaching:
Are your current relationships helping you establish a healthy recovery environment for yourself?
Will hiring sobriety coaching put a strain on you financially?
Do you believe you need outside help in avoiding triggers and staying sober in the face of your normal social life?
Are you able to stay sober and navigate the daily responsibilities and activities of your life?
Do you frequent support groups (including Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous), have they worked in giving you the service you need for recovery?
In the explanation of what sobriety coaching is and what sobriety coaching does, two things have become apparent. The first is that sobriety coaching can be well worth the investment when it comes to providing support, and the responsibility of helping people struggling to remain sober and in recovery. A good sobriety coaching will assist those struggling with substance use disorders continue professional support immediately after their formal treatment is finished. The second insight is seeing if the financial investment for your sobriety coaching is worth it in your situation.
The expense of sobriety coaching depends upon the level of care attention the client is in need of for their personal recovery. Both major questions addressed in this post had been, "What is sobriety coaching?" And "Is getting one worth the investment?" As the first question is relatively simple to answer, the second question may need some processing before you decide if sobriety coaching is right for you.
Ultimately this is a personal decision about what’s best for your recovery. Working with sobriety coaching depends on what your needs in recovery are; your financial situation, and also how you learn to manage your own recovery. We are not here to answer these questions for you. We do hope that the information we’ve provided about sobriety coaching does help you determine whether or not getting one works for you; or your loved one.
If you have remaining questions about what sobriety coaching is; and how to begin working with sobriety coaching, do not hesitate to reach out and contact us today and we can help you navigate the decision of working with sobriety coaching or not.
At Recovering Reality we aim to provide a comprehensive Sobriety Coaching Program that helps individuals succeed and grow. A well rounded sobriety coaching program uses a strength-based approach while placing an importance on improving everyday life, reaching goals for your future and learning to live with a spiritual connection to God or a higher power.
Sobriety coaching can be a good addition to having a therapist, sober house manager and sponsor. Sobriety coaching aims to be the mortar in between the bricks. Our sobriety coaching service aims to assist in accountability that the recovery community and private practice therapist simply cannot provide.
At Recovering Reality we are aware that there can be a list of challenges that prevent individuals from defining, joining and remaining in healthy environments. These hurdles are often internal, such as non motivation, not being spiritually fit, emotional turmoil, existing medical conditions, mental health diagnosis or even spiritual confusion. In addition there is often external barriers preventing them from meeting their responsibilities due to issues with housing, employment, nutrition, socialization and transportation.
Our goal is to assist our clients in overcoming these hurdles so that they can find and sustain recovery from addiction and mental health troubles. Our sobriety coaching program can work around and in between currently scheduled events, for example treatment, therapy, AA meetings and personal obligations. We can schedule as much sobriety coaching discussions as the individual desires per week. We aim to improve the recovery and treatment experience by strengthening existing treatment plans and the client’s existing strengths.
Finding a good treatment center for your loved one is only the beginning of the recovery process. Yes, your loved one is in a safe place and is getting the help they require. Sobriety coaching at Recovering Reality ensures that your loved one will receive a full continuum of care, thus boosting their chances for long-term recovery.
Let us help you understand the difference between sobriety coaching and a sponsor? You survived detox and then invested a handful of months in a residential treatment center and you may have even lived in a sober house for a while before moving into your home. You most likely have a sponsor, maybe a therapist and you could be going to 12-step meetings. So, why sobriety coaching to keep you on the recovery path?
The early period of recovering from an addiction; especially for those who are experiencing this process for the first time, can be both physically and mentally challenging. It's most likely one of the greatest challenges you will have to overcome in your life. Sobriety coaching provides much needed one-on-one assistance to those new to the recovery journey and our sobriety coaching will help the client maintain freedom from alcohol and drugs while establishing healthy routines on the outside of the residential treatment facility.
In short, the primary role of sobriety coaching is to help and guide the recovering addict or alcoholic into long-term and sustainable recovery. That's a tall order for anyone, but a professional sobriety coaching is often in long-term recovery actively participating in their own form of a recovery program. They're men and women that have already been exactly where you or your loved one might currently be; have felt what you are feeling and have found peace and strength in overcoming addiction.
Sobriety coaching is not the same as a 12-step sponsor. In reality, sobriety coaching may not adhere to the 12-step process and could use alternative methods. Sobriety coaching will be on call 24/7 for counseling, if needed, in addition to be accessible for daily or weekly coaching calls or face-to-face meetings if this is what the client desires. They will help build your confidence, empower you to make the right decisions, help you with goal setting, work with you along with any existing support team for your recovery and hook you up to resources that will support you in your recovery journey.
On top of that, sobriety coaching helps their clients build powerful life skills that can change how they deal with stress, sadness, and disappointment. Dealing with emotions and negative ways of thinking can be hard for many in recovery, but sobriety coaching works to build upon the knowledge and skills you learned in treatment. Once the path to recovery has begun, our sobriety coaching aims to keep you steadily moving forward on the lifelong path of sobriety.
Sobriety coaching will stay by the client's side for the allotted amount of time, including flying with them from the location of their recovery facility in what is often called "safe passage" or maybe just accompanying the client to a function that they don’t feel confident in. Some recovering addicts have sobriety coaching live with them and attend to them daily. Every situation and every single recovery path is different; together the client and service provider decide on the best course of action.
In addition to accompanying you personally, sobriety coaching will make sure you remain in drug or alcohol-free environments. They may even drive you around, and can act as your “safe conscious” as well.
Ideally, sobriety coaching will be a positive presence in the client's life. The client will increase in their capability to confront household, work, and legal issues without drastic issues occuring. In some instances sobriety coaching will stay with their clients for several months while some offer only transportation services (for instance, to and from treatment centers or sober living homes). The duties of sobriety coaching host a wide range of recovery services, from simply assisting the client to abstinence to acting as a resource in your client's community.
Are you wondering if having sobriety coaching is essential for long-term recovery? Have you or a loved one had experience with sobriety coaching? Traditionally, the treatment process of treating addictive behaviors involves physicians, therapists, and support groups. A lifeline for sustainable recovery from a substance use disorder is treatment from trained professionals that work with the client to create a plan of long-term recovery, and then helping the client implement this plan.
Sobriety coaching is a newer addition to the treatment for addictive behaviors. This person may not be considered a licensed therapist or counselor, but a good sobriety coaching does have credible training and certifications in the area of addiction treatment. Sobriety coaching inspires and helps those in the early stages of recovery.
What exactly is Sobriety Coaching?
Sobriety coaching is similar to a life coach. Life coaches are individuals who help their clients change their mindsets and partner those new mindsets with action steps. The goals set by sobriety coaching are similar to the kinds of goals that life coaches give for an individuals' life and career.
The goals of sobriety coaching include:
Helping establish a feeling of responsibility in the person recovering by guiding the individual in the continuum of their treatment program.
Providing experienced guidance and support to their clients in the early stages of recovery while coaching them into meeting the goals of their recovery plan.
Developing motivation in individuals with the goal of helping them remain in their treatment program
It’s rare that sobriety coaching provides formal treatment. Sobriety coaching provides more of a formal integration into the continuum of care within the daily lifestyle of the client.
Some clients hire a live-in sobriety coaching to assist in their recovery program. In this situation the sobriety coaching will be with their client 24 hours/day. The sobriety coaching helps provide motivation to attend treatment or therapy sessions; along with helping the individual stay away from drugs and alcohol.
The sobriety coaching can be seen as a needed motivator, encourager, and adviser for their clients in recovery. Getting sobriety coaching lessens the chances of a relapse.
Training for Sobriety Coaching
Sobriety coaching can also be a therapist or other health care professional. However, most are not at this level of licensing. Be extremely careful about hiring sobriety coaching that has no formal training or certifications. There are multiple sobriety coaching training programs available to provide the needed skill set and certifications.
Sobriety coaching certifications do not come with formal permits, and there isn't a statewide licensing assessment like there are with therapists, psychologists, and medical doctors. Sobriety coaching simply has the certification or training from the program they completed.
The available certifications for sobriety coaching vary in nature; but a good sobriety coaching with a proven track record will be equipped with these abilities:
An understanding of addictive behavior and the neurobiology associated with addiction
Identifying, confronting and processing the resistance to treatment
Problem-solving, communication, and goal-setting strategies
An empathetic skill set
Creativity and an ability to manage time
Individuals who desire hiring sobriety coaching should ensure that the potential sobriety coaching has the simple knowledge listed above. Keep in mind that sobriety coaching can be licensed in psychology, social work, or counseling as well.
Research on the effectiveness of Sobriety Coaching
There is an abundance of research on the efficacy during the treatment of all sorts of psychological disorders, including addictive behaviors. To date, no formal sobriety coaching program has been evaluated by any sort of clinical research for its effectiveness.
A good sobriety coaching program will typically have a proven track record of helping individuals into healthy and sustainable recovery. Most people who hire sobriety coaching report a favorable experience. Typically sobriety coaching should not be a replacement for inpatient treatment services.
Unless the sobriety coaching individual has a graduate degree and state licensure in one of the following spots, sober coaches are not:
Recovering Reality recommends sobriety coaching be used as a healthy transition for any segment of an empirically validated addiction treatment program. One broadly identified description of sobriety coaching is that the person functions similar to a personal trainer. Sobriety coaching cannot lift weights and get in shape for his or her clients, but they can give their clients the aid and guidance to elevate themselves.
Some questions to think about before hiring sobriety coaching could be:
Do I have the finances to work with a good sobriety coaching?
Do I have family members or friends that can provide some financial support on behalf of my recovery?
Am I attending support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous?
Are the support groups helping me?
Do I have a sponsor in my immediate support system?
Have I built contacts in the support groups that I can count on outside of my current treatment?
Is my environment at home safe and free of substances?
These questions should help you process accurately if you need sobriety coaching or not? If you feel like hiring sobriety coaching would increase your chances of not returning to addiction, then please give Recovering Reality a call today!
Professional coaches often need their clients to fill out a contract for particular periods and terms of service, started with a trial period of time to see if you and the sobriety coaching is a good fit for your recovery journey. Look for organized sobriety coaching programs that have formalized plans. Make certain that the sobriety coaching encourages and makes you feel empowered!
I recently celebrated 11 years free from addiction. I’ve learned a few things in my journey. It was about 5 years ago that I got my Life Coaching Certification, and it was almost 3 years ago I went back and got 2 Recovery Coaching Certifications.
During this time I’ve had the privilege of working with politicians, educators, people in professional athletics, business owners, and a long list of everyday people just like you and I.
People want someone tHEY CAN trust.
The truth is, no one wants to be stuck in addiction. It’s a dark hole of torment and depression. The problem is that people don’t know how to get out, but the shame and guilt keeps them stuck.